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June 01, 2007


L Cook

To the author:

Has your mindmapping software assisted those with executive function disabilities.....those with learning disabilites and/or brain damage?


Hi thank you, for blogging me! After some research, I found out that this blog was the origin of a lot of interest in WikiMindMap.
I'll keep on to improve it to make it a helpful tool! (b.t.w. It's funny that during my Ph.D about SW tools in innovation, I visited your website innovationtools.com quite often)


Lone McCord

It seems that mind mapping would help those that have executive functioning disabilities. I am presently employing it with my 14 year old son who is MR and on the Autism Spectrum. He is responding very well to it. I think it is too new an idea for there to be any research on it... at least there was none when I googled it. Hopefully more people like you and I will see the potential and do some studies on it.

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