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April 15, 2008


Paul Urban

Wow MindJet have hit a home run with this.

It is something that lot of users have requested in all MindMapping Software Platforms.

Do you know if there is the ability for other MindMapping Software users (MindMapper, MindGenius Nova Mind etc..) to use this facility and share maps with MindManager users?. I mean at present you can open a MindManager Map in other applications and vice versa so would you be able to collaborate and share maps from different platforms also with this feature?.

Great post please keep me updated.
Paul Urban

Chuck Frey

Not at this time. You can upload any type of file to a shared Mindjet Connect workspace (including files from other mind mapping programs, I suppose...).

But the only kind of file you can actually collaborate on is a MindManager .MMAP file. And I believe it has to be created in version 7.2, which is "Mindjet Connect aware," whereas earlier versions of MindManager would not be. Yes, indeed, I do think this will be a big step forward for users of MindManager!


Mindjet is professional mind mapping software among many other, I experienced using it. We can find many mind mapping software available, but there are only several online mind tools available such as Mindomo.com, Mindmeister.com, Mind42.com and Comapping.com. I think Mindjet online is good to try.

Bob O'Malley

Thanks for the heads up on this great new feature. I was elated to find an invitation to their beta program in my Inbox last week. I have a quick question that I couldn't find an answer to online. Do all Mindjet Connect workspace participants have to have a MindManager license to participate? Can they just use the free MM Viewer application or do they all have to have a full-blown license.

I suspect they do need a full license, but have my fingers crossed that they won't. It would seem a bit presumptive to expect all of my consulting customers to have a MM license just to collaborate with me.

What do you know?

Thanks in advance,
Bob O'Malley


Nice to see MindJet bring features back that we had back in the MindManager® 2002 Enterprise Edition. We have been anxiously awaiting the return of this functionality for some time now. http://web.archive.org/web/20011012233932/www.mindjet.com/products/mindmanager_enterprise/mmee.htm

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