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March 21, 2007


Andrew Wilcox

As ever Chuck you have saved us all a job.

It looks like Mindomo and MindMiester are running down parallel paths but are in different parts of the wood at the moment picking different low hanging fruit.

I wonder who will be first to have a Tablet PC interface?

Now all I have to do is post a link in my communities to your blog.


I've been going betwwen mindomo and bubbl - still not sure which one I like the best. Bubbl seems to allow a little more creativity.

Eric Blue


This was a much needed article. It's good to see innovation and competition in the mind map arena.

Your article really had me thinking about the future of mind mapping software, and how ease of collaboration and publishing is going to play a big part. In order to make this happen, I think some degree of standardization is going to be key. When you get some time, check out my latest article on the topic:



Have you tried Kayuda? http://www.kayuda.com

I haven't tried it, and not sure if it even fits here, but I thought I'd mention it.


If are you interesting, a new online mind map tool have been opened. It beta now.Look at www.mapul.com


Hey you missed one @ http://www.kayuda.com/ in beta but looks nice Notes feature is super.

Roger C. Parker

Dear Chuck:
Like all of your other posts, this is a very useful resource.

More and more, I'm becoming sold on the idea of web based applications.

Roger C. Parker

Roger C. Parker

Dear Chuck:
Like all of your other posts, this is a very useful resource.

More and more, I'm becoming sold on the idea of web based applications.

Roger C. Parker

Gil Friend

I'm surprised not to see FreeMind here. Not exactly web-BASED mind mapping, but web-enabled, they say. http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

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